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News and Recent Events

This page contains news items. Please check the date of the item and consult the  vicar's message for the latest news on how the coronavirus situation is affecting church activities.


Norman Arch now available online

We are delighted that to announce that our parish magazine, the Norman Arch, is now available online every month. Please click here to access it. 

Public Worship returns to St Andrew's

We are delighted that St Andrew's Church is re-opening for public worship this Sunday (5th July). Fr Darren writes to us here with specific details and safety measures for all to observe; please do read these.

A new, virtual Artweeks!

Since 2012, we have been pleased to host exhibiting artists in the annual Oxfordshire Artweeks event. As you may imagine, we had all been working and preparing for a physical exhibition in May, which is now no longer possible. However, Oxfordshire Artweeks has come up with a very innovative answer . Find out more here.

Vicar's Message on Public Worship

Please refer to this message from Fr Darren regarding the temporary suspension of public worship in church. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact a member of the clergy team. Thank you for your understanding. 

Staying Connected during the Crisis

We have prepared for you a short booklet with resources that you might find useful at this time, to maintain and deepen your faith, to remind you that God loves you, and to ensure we remain connected to one another through our prayers. Click on the image to download the booklet. You may like to save it to your computer or print it out to use at home. 

Important Information about Church Activities in light of Coronavirus

Today the Church of England has announced that all public worship has been postponed until further notice. It is likely that more advice will follow, but in the meantime we can assure you that the daily work of prayer will continue and the church will be open as usual for private prayer and to light a candle (please observe the protocols of hygiene and social distancing). Thank you for your understanding and please don’t hesitate to be in touch if you need us.

Little Fishes

We are sorry to announce that Little Fishes, our toddler group that meets on Thursday mornings during term-time, is postponed until further notice. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Organ Postludes

During Lent this year, Mr Richard Bennett, our organist and Director of Music, is offering a series of organ voluntaries following the Sunday morning sung Eucharists. These  have been selected to reflect some of Jesus' ‘Last Words on the Cross’. These provide a period of quiet reflection following the service. You may click on the image to access the texts.

Lent Study Group

All are welcome to join us for our Lent study groups, beginning on Wednesday 4th March and continuing for five consecutive Wednesday evenings. *Update: this course is now postponed; we hope to re-start it later in the year. Thank you for your understanding.* 

God's Big Picture

Two events exploring the storyline of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Tuesdays 14th and 21st January in the Church Room. These will be informal events with lots to look at and enjoy, starting with refreshments at 7.30pm and finished by 9.00pm. There’s no need to book, but do bring your Bible.

Corpus Christi Service

There will be a service of sung Eucharist, procession and benediction this Thursday at 7.30pm for the Feast of Corpus Christi. All are welcome.

Headington Fun Day

Headington Fun Day will be taking place on Saturday 13th July. Volunteers from St Andrew’s are needed to join the team which sets-up, runs stalls or clears-away. The Fun Day is a huge venture, but a great witness to our community, so please do offer to help for some of the time during the day. There is a sign-up sheet in church or please speak to one of the clergy if you can help.

Evening Event: "Hope for the Future"

You are warmly invited to St Andrew's Church, Headington for a special event on Wednesday 20th March with the Archdeacon of Oxford, the Venerable Martin Gorick. We will be addressing the subject of "Hope for the Future", exploring how Christianity might provide an alternative vision at the present time of political uncertainty. All are welcome. Refreshments from 7.30pm for an 8pm start. No booking required. Poster here or more information from Fr Tim.

Lent Studies

Study Group: “Lord, teach us to pray….” You are invited to join us on 13th, 27th March & 3rd, 10th April at 7.30pm in the church room. Speakers include Sr Elizabeth SLG, Fr Simon Jones & Mthr Jenn.

Evening Event: Christianity and the Environment

You are welcome to join us on Tuesday 29 January for a special evening event on the theme of "Christianity and the Environment". Dr Martin Hodson and Rev Margot Hodson, who are expert speakers on this subject, will be offering some thoughts on this topic. Whether you are religious or not, there will be plenty of food for thought. We will begin at 7.30pm for drinks and nibbles, with the evening done by 9.00pm. This event is free and there are no tickets required. All are welcome: just come on the night.  

A concert of classical guitar music

On Saturday 19th January the church will host a concert of classical guitar music featuring Rosie Bennet. Rosie has played at guitar festivals all over Europe and will be playing music by Bach, Ponce, Mompou and Rodrigo. Saturday 19 January 2019; 7.00 pm; tickets £10 (sold at the door). All are welcome.

Choral Scholarships at St Andrew's

Here is a great opportunity to receive a choral scholarship at St Andrew's church. Do contact the Director of Music, Mr Richard Bennett, on, for more information. 

Harvest Festival and Lunch

Do join us on Sunday 14 October for our Harvest Festival in church at 10.0am, followed by lunch in the Village Hall afterwards. Click on the image for more information. 


Last Sunday we had a wonderful service to celebrate "creationtide": the beauty and value of God's creation, and our role as stewards of it. We have been writing out prayers and tying them to the branches of this tree in the side chapel. "The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations" (Rev 22.2)

Ride and Stride for St Andrew's Church

"Ride and Stride" is a sponsored event taking place on Saturday 8 September to raise money for the Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust, which gives grants to churches and chapels for major repair work. You can plan your own route, cycling or walking between as many churches as you wish. Our very own Richard Gledhill is taking part again, having cycled between 32 churches last year!

Fr Tim's Ordination as Priest

On 24 June Fr Tim was ordained as priest at St Clement's church, Oxford. He presided at his first Eucharist the following Thursday. Thank you to all who have supported him and made this journey possible. 

Recital at St Andrew's Church

On 3 June there will be a recital in church at 3.00pm featuring Catriona Scott (clarinet) and Charlotte Brennand (piano). Pieces will include "Fantasy Pieces Op. 73" (Schumann), "Sonata" (Poulenc) and "Sonata in E flat Op. 120" (Brahms). Following the concert tea and cake will be available in the Church Room. Tickets £10 on the door. Click here to find out more.

A recent discussion evening at St Andrew's

On 16 May, Fr Tim led a discussion evening entitled “Christianity in 10 Art Objects”. We attempted to trace the story of Christianity in 10 different art objects, beginning with an ice-age sculpture and concluding with a recent installation by Tracey Emin in Liverpool Cathedral, with plenty inbetween! Click here to read the programme. And do read the June "Norman Arch" for a full report. 

Announcement of our new Church Warden

We are very pleased to announce that Mr Malcolm Nichols has been declared churchwarden at St Andrew’s Church to succeed Mrs Helen Small, who had held the office for the past four years. Malcolm will work closely with Mr Richard Gledhill, our current churchwarden. He has had a long family association with the church since 1962. Malcolm will be sworn in at the Archdeacon's Visitation Service on 14 May.

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